The ramblings and many adventures of a horse crazed city girl who collects model horses.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Tao of Equus

This review is of the book Tao of Equus by Linda Kohanov. I have to say that this book is the single most influential book that I have ever read. It drastically changed the way I think about everything from my reltionships with horses to my relationships with people. It also shed a new light on the situation with Bailey that I discussed in a previous post. This allowed me to finally let go and stop blaming myself for the things that have happened in the past. If you are a woman and you love horses this is an absolute must read. Even if you aren't, it will change your life. This book definately deserves the coveted 5 horseshoes!

I am so behind on reviews so I just might be posting a few today :)

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