The ramblings and many adventures of a horse crazed city girl who collects model horses.

Friday, March 14, 2008

New Custom!

I am super excited because a brand new custom will be on her way to me soon. I have been wanting a custom like this forever and I finally found someone to remake a Henry Breyer model into the fjord mare of my dreams. I think that I will name her Jódís, which is a viking word for horse goddess. I think I am in love (just don't let my other customs know that, hehe).

At last count, she will be the 179th horse in my collection. Luckily 145 of those turned out to be stablemates :)

Saturday, March 1, 2008


I was initially boycotting this movie because of the "disneyfication" of the story. There is very little in common with the classic My Friend Flicka that we have all come to know and love. With that being said, I love this movie. The cinematography is amazing. I think it is well done and has a believable story line that isn't dumbed down. I think the clincher for this movie is the sound track. Wild Horses, performed by Natasha Bedingfield, is one of those rare songs that actually makes me tear up when I hear it. I had to watch this movie by myself because of that one scene. This gets the coveted five horse shoe award!

Sorry for the hiatus

It has been forever since I've had a chance to post a new blog. I'm working and going to school which means very little time for horses, both model and real. I've added a few classics and stablemates here and there. The KB Toys in the Newport Center Mall had Breyers on sale so I stocked up. I'll have a TON of reviews coming soon.

At the moment, I am searching for a new college to attend. I haven't been able to take any science classes at St. Peter's College, which doesn't really work since I am a natural science major. I'm thinking Rutger's may be a good option but it is extremely difficult to get into. I am also job hunting. I work in a very small store where I am the only employee which means I've pretty much topped out when it comes to salary. My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost five years now and would really like to get our own place, but we can't until I have a better salary.

I may be interviewing at a high end health club soon so wish me luck on that. If I actually get normal working hours there, I may be able to get back to horseback riding. It's been a little over a year since I have been in the saddle and I'm having withdrawals. I'll be able to take my Girl Scout troop riding soon so atleast I'll get a trail ride in. Well, I think that's enough rambling for now but I promise to be more active in blogging.