The ramblings and many adventures of a horse crazed city girl who collects model horses.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sorry for the hiatus

It has been forever since I've had a chance to post a new blog. I'm working and going to school which means very little time for horses, both model and real. I've added a few classics and stablemates here and there. The KB Toys in the Newport Center Mall had Breyers on sale so I stocked up. I'll have a TON of reviews coming soon.

At the moment, I am searching for a new college to attend. I haven't been able to take any science classes at St. Peter's College, which doesn't really work since I am a natural science major. I'm thinking Rutger's may be a good option but it is extremely difficult to get into. I am also job hunting. I work in a very small store where I am the only employee which means I've pretty much topped out when it comes to salary. My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost five years now and would really like to get our own place, but we can't until I have a better salary.

I may be interviewing at a high end health club soon so wish me luck on that. If I actually get normal working hours there, I may be able to get back to horseback riding. It's been a little over a year since I have been in the saddle and I'm having withdrawals. I'll be able to take my Girl Scout troop riding soon so atleast I'll get a trail ride in. Well, I think that's enough rambling for now but I promise to be more active in blogging.

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